Despite the typical unpredictable English weather in June, the Donkey Derby was another successful event for Blackwater Valley Scouts
10 Farnborough and 2nd Cove each had a fundraising stall, which helped them raise funds for their groups.
This year, we also had a District Stall, where we proudly showcased our new stretch banner that has a QR code that links to the volunteering page on our website.

By using old stock from BVS shop, we raised £140 via the tombola organised by Fran and Julie with the support from Sue throughout the day.
It was quite a laugh watching the leaders, (me included) taking one for the district team and getting totally drenched in 3rd Farnborough‘s “Soak a Beaver”. Hopefully that raised some money!!!
As always, these events can‘t take place without the amazing support and time given up by volunteers! Thank you to all the adults, Explorers and Scouts who volunteered throughout the day, even though it was a bank holiday!!!
I would like to also say a big thank you to 3rd Farnborough, who not only supplied their marquee, table and stalls, but also helped to put it everything up and strike it all down again after a very long wet day,
Looking forward to next year!